Samhain Greetings my friends,

The time period, between Oct. 31st and Nov. 2nd is one of the most widely celebrated ancient traditions honoring our ongoing connection to loved ones who have died. Samhain means summer’s end. This is the time of the descent into darkness and going within. During Samhain, the veil between the seen and unseen worlds is very thin making us more open to ancestor guidance. It is a time when our psychic senses emerge and strengthen as we move deeper into our inner wisdom. Indigenous cultures have a completely different relationship with the dark and accept it as simply the other side of the light and the same is true for their views about death as the other side of life.

Our culture tends to fear the dark and attributes many negative associations with dark places, psychic experiences, and altered states of consciousness. Many of you know I have been exploring Shamanic practices for thirteen years and it has brought me to a welcome healing, as a deeper understanding of the dark has emerged. All is seen as a cycle with beginnings, endings and renewal on a great turning wheel. The ancestors were beloved; death was a transition to other dimensions but not an end to their connection with us.

Tagetes Healing, Jaya 2018

The beliefs of ancient people about the acceptance of the cycle of life and the natural passing of loved ones who then became guides are returning in our awareness. Now more than ever we can reactivate the loving connection and seek help with those in the unseen worlds, especially the divine feminine energy of nurturance, acceptance and inclusive love.

A perfect example of this inclusive love is a documentary about a 106 year-old American woman, Jesse Lichauco, in Curiosity, Adventure and Love, (on Amazon Prime) who moved to the Philippines in the 1930s to marry a Pilipino Harvard Graduate. She practiced inclusive love even during the WWII occupation by the Japanese and continued throughout her whole life. She is full of ancestor wisdom and yet humble. Her story will bring both tears and laughter. She talks about her own connection to loved ones on the other side in simple ways. More than anything, she is a wonderful model of the power of love. Watching this documentary gives us hope.

I hope you will create practices that allow you to connect to your own ancestor guides, especially at this time, and always.

Blessings of the season, Linda

Maiden, Mother, Wise Woman: Reclaiming Our Sexuality

Reclaiming Goddess Sexuality, Revised Edition

Womb Wisdom – guided imagery with original soundtrack by Peter Girard

Linda E. Savage, Ph.D.
Author of Reclaiming Goddess Sexuality: The Power of the Feminine Way
& Maiden, Mother, Wise Woman: Reclaiming Our Sexuality
AASECT Certified Sex Educator